TDK claims solid state battery breakthrough


236 points | by bparsons 262 days ago


  • Animats 262 days ago
    Actual TDK press release.[1]

    Older TDK story from 2020.[2]

    TDK claims "a next-generation solid-state battery with an energy density of 1,000 Wh/L, approximately 100 times greater than the energy density of TDK’s conventional solid-state battery." Their "conventional solid state battery" is a tiny thing used in meat thermometers, a ceramic device with, like most ceramic devices, good high temperature tolerance.

    Lithium-ion batteries are around 250–693 W⋅h/L. So this is maybe 2x existing lithium-ion technology. That's about what everybody else is claiming for next-generation solid state batteries.

    Incidentally, gasoline is around 9,500 Wh/L, although only about half of that reaches the driveshaft.

    End result: longer cell phone battery life, and an end to "bulging" battery failures.



    • topspin 262 days ago
      > although only about half of that reaches the driveshaft.

      Isn't that more like around 35% on a good day? There are some pure ICE systems that can approach 50%, but those aren't in common passenger cars. Hybrid cars do considerably better, but even then 50% is an achievement.

      • KennyBlanken 262 days ago
        38% in the Toyota atkinson cycle engines, which are the top of the industry. Typical is more like 28% for gasoline engines. Then you have automatic transmission efficiency, which is at best ~%80, so now you're down to 30% at best.

        More typical: 28% engine thermal efficiency, 75% transmission efficiency means 21% overall efficiency.

        So yes, gasoline energy equivalency is pretty meaningless unless you multiply it by 0.2 first.

        Gas mileage figures from the EPA and others don't account at all for the time a vehicle spends idling before/after a trip - or even in heavy traffic, just waiting at traffic lights. For example, time parents spend sitting in their cars idling waiting to pick up their kids, time spend idling in coffee and fast food drive-through lines, etc. Start-stop systems help, but a lot of people disable them.

        • topspin 262 days ago
          Among conventional 4-cycle ICE designs there are some recent generator and marine applications near 50%. F1 designed an amazing hybrid system that achieves 50%. Those are the best figures I've seen.

          The F1 hybrid design is pretty amazing. The motor–generator is driven by and drives the turbocharger. This allows the turbo to be optimized: When the turbo wants to spin too fast electricity is generated and when the turbo would otherwise not deliver enough pressure (lag) the motor–generator augments the turbo speed. Excess stored power goes to the drive train.

          This effectively solves turbo charging, recovering waste heat through all operation phases, eliminating lag and delivering high efficiency. F1 chose not to field it, and I don't know why. I don't know if it will ever be seen in normal applications.

          • michpoch 262 days ago
            It’s used in the Porsche 992.2 released this year
          • KennyBlanken 262 days ago
            F1 engines cost seven figures each and are only required to last roughly 20 hours of race time - 7-8 races, each an hour and a half, plus a qualifying session or two per race (barely 15-20 minutes total session time.)
            • bagels 261 days ago
              They would probably last a lot longer time if designed for more boring engine speeds, but not cost much less.
              • oblio 255 days ago
                Well, the real question is: this amazing tech, assuming they would be able to mass produce it, how efficient would it remain in that case? 40%? 45%?
        • toast0 261 days ago
          > Start-stop systems help, but a lot of people disable them.

          I've been exposed to a fair amount of different start-stop systems because every rental is different, and some of them are reasonable/good and some of them are awful. My main car is a PHEV, so I'm used to limited idling and that's fine, the big question is what triggers the start and how long does it take to start.

          I've been in cars that consistently aren't ready to move when I've pressed the accelerator. Those get disabled everytime I start the car; hopefully I wouldn't buy a broken car like this, but I'd definitely figure out how to disable it if I did. The better ones will start when I reduce brake pressure, so by the time my foot gets to the accelerator, it's ready to move. Those get to stay enabled. In the middle, I might disable them sometimes when they're particularly bothersome, but otherwise leave them be.

        • ComputerGuru 262 days ago
          > Start-stop systems help, but a lot of people disable them.

          I haven’t seen a modern car that let’s you actually disable this versus turn it off for the current ride only, fwiw.

          • squilliam 261 days ago
            I was able to completely disable it in a new Ford vehicle with an OBD2 cable and since software on my laptop that can modify PCM values
            • ComputerGuru 261 days ago
              I don’t think people like us register in the grand scheme of things.
        • AtlasBarfed 261 days ago
          I thought CVT transmissions exceeded manual transmissions in efficiency.

          Are manual transmission's only 80%?

        • te_chris 262 days ago
          Who the hell does coffee drive-through?
          • Remnant44 261 days ago
            A huge percentage of America. In most more rural regions, this is the only kind of coffee shop you will find.
          • PlunderBunny 262 days ago
            Yeah, if you need coffee, then get it before you get behind the wheel.
      • jiveturkey 262 days ago
        35% and then drivetrain losses on top. Those losses are fair to include since EV systems are often direct driven.
      • wredue 262 days ago
        Took me a while to find an estimate of the actual average efficiency of ICE cars, and the number I found was “about 20%”.

        Some places claim the most fuel efficient vehicles are about 40% (again, on a good day in testing conditions).

        EVs on the other hand are up around 87% or higher.

        • malfist 262 days ago
          Those 40% numbers, if you actually read how they got that, it's almost always that they were running the engine in a fixed point operation with a constant RPM.

          You can make it a bit more efficient by optimizing an engine for a specific singular output, sometimes up to 50% I think is what nissan claims. One automaker, I forget who, was researching doing a hybrid drive train like the volt had, but where the engine could run in that one single speed and charge a battery.

          Seems a lot more complicated than just electrifying the system, but I'm not a auto researcher.

          Nissan's PR about it:

          • deergomoo 262 days ago
            > One automaker, I forget who, was researching doing a hybrid drive train like the volt had, but where the engine could run in that one single speed and charge a battery

            Not sure if this is what you're thinking of but Honda's eHEV platform drives the wheels with an electric motor and small battery†, with the engine kicking in as needed to generate current and to charge the battery (as well as regen).

            †Until you get to high speeds, at which point a clutch engages and the engine drives the wheels directly, via a single fixed gear.

          • jandrese 262 days ago
            Sadly, the efficiency gained from being able to run the engine at a fixed RPM is lost in the conversion to electricity and back. This technique has been tried a few times but it never works out in the end. The only time it makes sense is if you have a turbine engine, but since turbines have fairly lousy efficiency to start with this only helps get them back up to the baseline.
            • macbr 261 days ago
              Diesel-Locomotives (and apparently submarines?) use that concept a lot in the form of a diesel-electric power train[1]. Mechanical transmissions like in cars were only in use for a very short time. (You didn’t need them for steam locomotives as steam engines can start under load) Of course locomotives are a bit bigger than your average car...


              • Animats 261 days ago
                > Mechanical transmissions like in cars were only in use for a very short time.

                Fortunately.[1][2] British Rail tried in the 1950s. Four 12-cylinder Diesel engines driving the the wheels through three differentials and four hydraulic clutches. The engines were geared such that the speeds added. As speed increased, more engines were turned on. Since startup only used one engine, starting pull was rather low for the engine power installed.

                Only one was ever built.



            • raihansaputra 261 days ago
              audi's dakar car (the rs-q e-tron) proves that it's at least more efficient than petrol based competitors. it doesn't charge overnight so always uses the energy from onboard fuel tanks, which are smaller compared to the other competitors. it doesn't reach peak efficiency of course, but still uses less fuel overall.
          • AtlasBarfed 261 days ago
            I guess you can run it in a slightly different engine cycle called the Atkinson cycle, That's one of the tricks that hybrid vehicles used to increase their efficiency

            But if you drive like a leadfoot that doesn't really work cuz then usually the hybrid systems fall back on the gasoline engine for additional torque and it goes to the normal gas cycle when it does that and you lose the efficiency

          • AdrianB1 262 days ago
            I think this is how some Diesel-electric locomotives are built, with Diesel engines creating electricity for electric motors, running the ICE at constant speed and minimum transmission (not sure a reduction is needed, probably not). Looks like solid engineering for the cases when electrification is not possible for various reasons.
            • whaleofatw2022 261 days ago
              Diesel electrics can be big enough and with long enough expected lifetimes to go 'all out', I think in some ways they can get closer to CCGT as far as efficiency.

              Where the challenge comes for smaller vehicles, is the more power you are trying to give, the more you have to build everything up; not just the engine but whatever that engine is inputting into, also trains have somewhat more predictable speed profiles over a trip vs a car.

              This is why some manufacturers have vehicles that are PHEVS but really BEVs with an 'oh crap' extender that can struggle to keep up a good grade.

              I gotta give TRD/Toyota/Ford credit, the HSD style drive train does work around a lot of this stuff for PHEVS; in lockup mode you have a 1:1 ratio with minimal losses and at that point it's up to the ability of the engine to adjust profile.

              Works very well in practice, and far simpler than the setups of others.

            • Animats 261 days ago
              Diesel-electric locomotives were the first vehicles to get really good motor control. In what are called "AC" locomotives, the wheel motors are 3 phase variable-frequency AC motors. The power train is Diesel engine -> generator -> really big MOSFETs -> synchronous 3-phase motors. Each motor is separately controlled and they are run as synchronized servomotors, to prevent wheel slip. When multiple locomotives are coupled together, they synchronize at the wheel level. The effect is almost 2x more traction than older technology, which means fewer locomotives per train.

              Automotive motor controllers now use similar technology, but the locomotives had it first.

        • KennyBlanken 262 days ago
          They're very high especially if power is coming from solar panels on your roof or excess power from neighbors because there are virtually no transmission losses. Also, most power plants aren't that much better than car engines.

          Coal plants are about 33% efficient and natural gas plants are about 45%.

          • akoboldfrying 262 days ago
            Commercially available solar panels are below 30% in efficiency. If the energy going into the EV battery instead came from a gas turbine, the efficiency drop would be similar, I expect.

            If you want to say that this factor doesn't count: In what sense should the oft-quoted factor in the final step count? (That is, the loss in converting from petrol to rotational motion in an ICE, or from electric potential to rotational motion in an EV.) I think the only real utility that number has is in estimating the total amount of stored energy in a typical car of each type -- this could be used to estimate the amount of damage that would be caused by the vehicle catching on fire.

            Other claims strike me as meaningless.

            • 698969 262 days ago
              It's fair game to compare if you include the conversion efficiency of the organisms that made the fossil fuels :P

              We care about the efficiency of converting resources we have a limited amount of, sunlight is unlimited on humanity's scale, so is wind, but how much solar or wind power we can extract from them and transmit has constraints and that is the step where we should start caring about efficiency

              • akoboldfrying 259 days ago
                This is indeed a good argument to burn our limited petrol supplies for heat (closer to 100% efficient) instead of using it in today's inefficient ICE cars.
      • jbverschoor 262 days ago
        Where does the rest go to? Aren’t the pipes and hoses leak free? Seems like an easy win
    • bangaladore 262 days ago
      A 2x improvement in energy density would make EVs accessible to everyone without question. What remains to be seen is whether it can be produced at a competitive cost. My guess is not for a long while.
      • alephnerd 262 days ago
        > My guess is not for a long while.

        Toyota and Idemitsu Kosan (part of the same METI grant that TDK got for SSB development 20 years ago) are going to commercialize Solid-State Batteries for EVs by 2028 [0][1]

        The new Toyota Battery factory in NC is part of that push [2]

        [0] -

        [1] -

        [2] -

      • KennyBlanken 262 days ago
        The problem isn't energy density, nor competitive cost. Multiple manufacturers make EVs that are price-competitive with ICEs and in some cases the same vehicle model with an ICE.

        The problem is mostly driver mindset.

        You just can't convince them that

        a)most of their charging will happen at home while the car sits in their garage / driveway

        b)When they do need to fast charge, the 20 minutes it takes for a number of current EVs to get to 80% charge isn't much longer than what you'd spend at a highway service area by the time you get done with fueling the car, going to the bathroom, chasing down everyone who was in the car, maybe buying a drink and snack, etc

        c)For the rare occasion they need a vehicle with more range or are going into an area without good charging infrastructure, they can rent a car. This is how things are done in Europe - you take public transit most of the time, but for a trip where public transit isn't convenient, you rent - often times after taking a train to get closer to the area you're going to be in.

        Drivers still buy giant 7-passenger SUVs and hulking pickups that spend most of their service life with one, maybe two people in them and little or no cargo.

        Making car rentals much less of a hassle would help, as would mandating maximum passenger vehicle heights, and tax penalties on noncommercial vehicles over a certain weight.

        • deergomoo 262 days ago
          > most of their charging will happen at home while the car sits in their garage / driveway

          This is a very different story around the world. Something like ~60%~ [it’s actually 35%, I got it backwards] of UK homes have no off-street parking. You'd need streetside chargers or built into lampposts, which is being trialled in some areas but is very small scale and almost certainly would not be as cheap as charging via your home's electricity.

          > the 20 minutes it takes for a number of current EVs to get to 80% charge isn't much longer than what you'd spend at a highway service area by the time you get done with fueling the car, going to the bathroom, chasing down everyone who was in the car, maybe buying a drink and snack

          The problem with this is that it assumes the car will always need a break at the same I do. That works if I can charge easily at home and will only need to fast charge on long journeys, but as I said above it's just not practical for many people. It's also best case scenario insofar as it assumes both that your car can charge quickly, and that you have close-by access to a fully functioning fast charger.

          It's not a huge hurdle (and I do believe that by say 2034 this stuff won't be a concern at all), but the additional planning required is more than a lot of people are willing to consider, and I don't think they're wrong in thinking that. Especially because even now electric cars are still very much out of price range for lots of people (again, going by UK prices and salaries).

          • thebruce87m 262 days ago
            > Something like 60% of UK homes have no off-street parking.


            > However, with 18 million (65%) of Britain’s 27.6 million households having – or with the potential to have – enough off-street parking to accommodate at least one car or van there is a huge opportunity for charging electric vehicles at home.

            • deergomoo 262 days ago
              Whoops, got that backwards, how embarrassing. 35% is still a lot though!
              • insane_dreamer 262 days ago
                Yeah but you also have to factor in that public transport is much more widely accessible and used.
                • deergomoo 261 days ago
                  In bigger cities yes, and I’m certain as a baseline it’s a better situation than the US just due to the size difference, but it’s pretty poor in much of the country.

                  Granted, lack of parking is correlated with living in big cities, but I live in what was once primarily a mining, steelworks, and ceramics town; there is a hell of a lot of terraced housing where even parking close to your house is a nightmare, let alone charging.

        • bangaladore 262 days ago
          Sure, but as someone who has personally owned two EVs, and whose family owns more, 2x real range is a huge deal.

          Depending on where you live (speed limits, weather, driving habits, topology, etc...) impacts real-world range greatly. If you drive 80 mph on a flat freeway you might actually get 50-70% of the rated range. That brings a respectable 300 rated miles down to somewhere around 200 miles or less.

          If the rated range was 400 for a cheaper vehicle and 600-700 for premium vehicles, almost all range issues would be solved overnight.

          People buy cars thinking about the worst case, not the realistic or average one? What if I go on that trip across the US next year?

          • ComputerGuru 262 days ago
            > If you drive 80 mph on a flat freeway

            In Chicago (Pareto optimal for flattest/biggest metro area in the USA), we have two “going speeds” on the highway: 5 mph and 85+ mph. I drive fast (not going to go on the record here, but use your imagination - I mainly buy German cars that excel on the Autobahn) and I’m routinely only in the top quartile if I’m not in an actual hurry.

            (I know EVs are much better in stop-and-go traffic than ICE but I can’t imagine 5mph with five-to-ten second bursts of 30 mph is great for the range, either.)

            • HDThoreaun 261 days ago
              Chicago is easily one of the best places to own an EV for one simple reason. There are no decent road trip destinations. Upper peninsula is the closest one Id consider and at that point why not just fly somewhere? I gave up on road trips and just bought a shitty condo in slc, works much better and the travel time is lower.
        • 0cf8612b2e1e 262 days ago
          Sucks to be you if you live in an apartment and cannot charge at home.
        • insane_dreamer 262 days ago
          It’s also the “they want to take away our cheeseburgers” mentality. SUV/Pickup are “the American way of life” (for a segment of the pop)
    • ksec 262 days ago
      >So this is maybe 2x existing lithium-ion technology. That's about what everybody else is claiming for next-generation solid state batteries

      It is sort of sad to think the future of Apple Watch and AirPod is only getting at best 2x battery life, and that is assuming they dont make it even smaller.

    • lr1970 262 days ago
      Wh/L is energy per unit of volume. I am curios what is energy per unit of mass Wh/kg, or alternatively what is the density of the solid-state battery?
  • loudmax 262 days ago
    > TDK Corporation successfully developed a material for CeraCharge, a next-generation solid-state battery with an energy density of 1,000 Wh/L, approximately 100 times greater than the energy density of TDK’s conventional solid-state battery.

    So, that energy density is 100 times greater than whatever TDK's previous solid-state battery was, not necessarily 100 times other battery technologies.

    Also, note that they're measuring the density in Wh/L, or Watt-hours per Liter. That is, they're measuring energy density by volume, not by weight. According to my Perplexity search, lithium-ion batteries have a "volumetric energy density ranging from 250 to 680 Wh/L". So these TDK solid state batteries will have maybe twice that energy density by volume.

    That press release doesn't say anything about the weight of these batteries, which is probably why they're not proposing these for vehicles. If these were lighter than lithium-ion batteries, electric car makers would be all over them, looking for ways to get volume production up to lower costs. The fact that they don't mention the energy density by mass suggests that they're no better than lithium-ion.

    So this is neat development, if not a major tectonic shift. The use cases TDK proposes, wireless earphones, hearing aids and smartwatches, are applications where size is a more important consideration than weight (below a certain threshold). Good for them! And if TDK can manufacture these cheaply and reliably, I'm sure engineers will come up with other clever uses for this technology.

    EDIT: Hearing aids were the first electronic products with transistors, so that is a historically auspicious precedent. Asianometry did a video on transistors in hearing aids here:

    • gorkish 262 days ago
      From the available information I estimate they are about 2x the theoretical maximum energy density of lithium ion chemistry or about 4x better than current state of the art lithium ion batteries in mass production. The theoretical ceiling of chemical batteries overall is about 25x higher still, especially when you start including air-breathing chemistries, so their claims are not out of line with what should be possible.
      • throwaway81523 262 days ago
        Current zinc-air hearing aid batteries (e.g. #675) are 1500+ WH/L. They are not rechargeable though. They are basically miniature fuel cells. They take in outside air to react with the chemistry inside, so they weigh a tiny bit more after they are used up. The energy density is impressive though.
        • 1024core 262 days ago
          Can these Zinc-Air cells be recycled? Could you take a "used" Zinc-Air cell and process it somehow, to create a brand new Zinc-Air cell?

          If that works, then you could just equip cars with swappable Zinc-Air cells: you go to a "Zinc Air" station and in the time it takes to fill up a tank of gas, your car gets a new Zinc Air cell and you're good to go for 1500 miles(?).

          • gorkish 258 days ago
            If this is the model you want, there are easier materials. Iron/air isn't mass efficient, but it's an absolutely stupid simple material and energy cycle to implement. I personally believe iron/air batteries are an excellent candidate for industrial energy applications and large scale electric vehicles (trains, ships, heavy equipment, mining, shipping)
          • throwaway81523 261 days ago
            There have been some articles about something like that, yet another revolutionary battery technology to never make it out of the lab. The idea was that the refill station would drain depleted sludge (electrolyte or whatever) out of the battery, add new sludge to replace it, and then somehow reprocess the depleted sludge that it had collected. I heard about that at least 20 years ago. Since then, nothing.
        • terribleperson 262 days ago
          675 zinc-air batteries run a UP hearing aid for an impressively long time. Days to weeks, depending on age of the battery and how much use it see. I'm surprised the chemistry doesn't see much use outside of hearing aids. For something where long downtime is undesirable, replaceable batteries are a lot nicer than rechargeable.
        • gorkish 258 days ago
          Wait until you get a load of vanadium-boride/air batteries. 27,000Wh/kg. Stuff is like electrochemical TNT
    • rbanffy 262 days ago
      > So, that energy density is 100 times greater than whatever TDK's previous solid-state battery was, not necessarily 100 times other battery technologies.

      Yes. 100x better density than current LiPo, LiMH, or something like that would immediately enable electric airliners. Like tomorrow.

  • Carrok 262 days ago
    For coin sized batteries only.

    > The ceramic material used by TDK means that larger-sized batteries would be more fragile, meaning the technical challenge of making batteries for cars or even smartphones will not be surmounted in the foreseeable future, according to the company.

    • swiftcoder 262 days ago
      Coin-sized batteries are pretty usable for many current applications (wireless headphones, smart watches, ...) - presuming they can surmount the other challenges
      • aporetics 262 days ago
        I’m thinking: minidisc players!
      • stn_za 262 days ago
        Plus these would be coin sized, but 100X more dense as I understand.
        • MBCook 262 days ago
          100x their current solid state batteries, not Lithium Ion. Maybe only 2x.

          Still, doubling an Apple Watch’s battery life or 1.5x but making it smaller would still be great.

          • dylan604 262 days ago
            Apple Watch's battery life is the biggest negative by far for the device in my books. Any thing to improve it would be welcomed by pretty much anyone. Extra points for being able to replace existing battery--yeah right
    • jerlam 262 days ago
      What stops them from having huge arrays of these coin cell batteries? Can the "insane energy density" compensate for the overhead?

      Cars don't have one huge battery, and smartphones are starting to have multiple smaller ones to fit around the other components (and in folding phones).

      • mcculley 262 days ago
        If the weight and volume of the packaging is a lot relative to the size of the cell, that would limit use cases.
      • danudey 262 days ago
        Conversely, smartphones could have batteries 1/100th the size of their current batteries and still have the same battery life. Nothing says that if we want to use this tech in smartphones we have to have 100x the battery life (although that would be fantastic). Even 2x or 3x would be game-changing for power users, especially if battery performance degraded at only the same rate that current smartphone batteries do.

        You wouldn't need a huge array of coin cell batteries; one coin cell might well be enough.

        • miahi 262 days ago
          The article says "100 times greater than TDK’s current battery in mass production" but they are not referring to the current LiIon/LiPo batteries, but the current _solid state_ battery. The capacity per liter of the new solid state battery is less than 2x of the current phone batteries (1000Wh/liter vs 5-700Wh/liter for LiPo). So no, you cannot replace one phone battery with a coin cell with the same battery life.
          • danudey 262 days ago
            Oh, good catch. Thanks for the correction!
    • nsxwolf 262 days ago
      Your original Legend of Zelda saves could last 300-400 years with this battery.
    • nkingsy 262 days ago
      Can’t they just stack these into packs like they do with cells?
    • r00fus 262 days ago
      Is it even rechargeable? Nothing indicates this is any replacement to e.g. LiPoFe batteries in devices like AirPods.
      • dylan604 262 days ago
        > Is it even rechargeable?

        From the TFA: "Solid-state batteries are safer, lighter and potentially cheaper and offer longer performance and faster charging than current batteries relying on liquid electrolytes."

        The article to me is worse than click bait. They keep mentioning Apple supplier TDK as if this battery is currently being used in Apple devices. The only link this battery has to Apple is that they use other batteries from the company. So, yes, you're correct in that nothing indicates this as a direct replacement. It is shitty journo looking for relevancy in SEO

    • m3kw9 262 days ago
      They always test first on coin batteries then scale up the tests
    • practicemaths 262 days ago
      Battery technology starts at the cell. It's far easier to build a small cell and test it's chemistry than it is to build a large (in comparison) battery.
      • perilunar 260 days ago
        Indeed. A battery is a battery of cells.
  • gnabgib 263 days ago
    "Apple supplier" doesn't seem like a fair description of a company founded in 1935, with a billboard in Piccadilly Circus for 25 years [0], a billboard in Times Square since 2000 [1], and a famous maker of cassettes, minidisc, VHS, CD, DVD, Blu-ray.

    [0]: [1]:

    • dingaling 262 days ago
      They are a well-established company, but few people will have directly engaged with them outside supplier logistic chains. At least not in the past decade.

      Looking at their product directory, it's all B2B

    • Lio 262 days ago
      For me, TDK will always be synonymous the very best cassette tapes from my youth.
      • insane_dreamer 262 days ago
        Yeah, I counted myself lucky if I could get them, or Maxwell.
    • insane_dreamer 262 days ago
      Also very big in professional studio recording equipment back in the day
    • ksec 262 days ago
      "Apple supplier" is a great way to get people clicking on it. It also raise the level of the company for those too young to remember TDK.
  • mjamesaustin 262 days ago
    Usually I would take any battery breakthrough claims with a huge grain of salt, but TDK is a very well established company, so this seems pretty exciting.

    The big open question is whether and how this can be scaled up to larger battery sizes in a safe and functional way. Still exciting to see!

    • rezonant 262 days ago
      That would be great, but wireless earbuds and watches greatly need battery advances to overcome the current tedious ways to use them. Most smart watches need to be charged in a matter of 1-2 days, and wireless earbuds have to use extra batteries in their carrying cases to even hope to have enough charge available for when you need them. It's nice that we may substantially relieve these limitations.
    • adamhp 262 days ago
      > "The ceramic material used by TDK means that larger-sized batteries would be more fragile, meaning the technical challenge of making batteries for cars or even smartphones will not be surmounted in the foreseeable future, according to the company."
      • MBCook 262 days ago
        But the insanely small batteries in AirPods might be fine. Maybe even smart watch sided, let’s face it those are close to coin cell sized.

        It could still end up making a major difference.

      • terribleperson 262 days ago
        Would fragility really be a huge concern in more rigid flagship phones? Screens are already quite delicate It's not impossible to build a phone that doesn't flex meaningfully under normal conditions.
    • mataslauzadis 262 days ago
  • limaoscarjuliet 262 days ago
    For reference, 1000wh/l is 10% energy density of Gas. Impressive indeed!
  • consumer451 262 days ago
    > The new material provides an energy density — the amount that can be squeezed into a given space — of 1,000 watt-hours per litre, which is about 100 times greater than TDK’s current battery in mass production.

    > The battery technology is designed to be used in smaller-sized cells, replacing existing coin-shaped batteries found in watches and other small electronics.

    > The ceramic material used by TDK means that larger-sized batteries would be more fragile, meaning the technical challenge of making batteries for cars or even smartphones will not be surmounted in the foreseeable future, according to the company.

    Still extremely interesting.

  • xutopia 262 days ago
    I'll be a naysayer.

    This is not in production environment. We don't know how big these batteries can be, what temperature they can operate at, how much they cost to produce, if they can even be mass produced, what their output could be, etc...

    Every week we have a claim like this one made by some reporter.

    • tootie 262 days ago
      The fact this report is coming from a commercial enterprise and not a university is pretty encouraging. Obviously it could still just be PR, but they likely wouldn't be touting this unless they expected to bring it to mass production.
      • jshowa 262 days ago
        Companies lie and exaggerate all the time. It's called PR. It makes no difference whether it comes from a company or university, but companies have much more incentive to lie than universities, especially in technical fields, because they don't have to subject their claims to peer review unlike universities.
        • kube-system 262 days ago
          I don't think anyone is accusing academics of lying -- academics are just more likely to announce things no industrial relevance. Because industrial relevance is not required for academic relevance.
          • jshowa 261 days ago
            It depends on what you mean by "more likely to announce things with no industrial relevance". If we are including humanities, then yes. If we exclude humanities, then no. Nearly all current STEM advancements can be traced back to early university work because industries normally do not pay for R&D because of its high risk, low reward effort. Not to mention, it's a money sink. Even current AI models come straight from university work, intermixed with private industry who often apply these concepts and scale them, but aren't the idea originators.
            • kube-system 261 days ago
              > Nearly all current STEM advancements can be traced back to early university work because industries normally do not pay for R&D because of its high risk, low reward effort.

              Yes. But not the converse.

      • layer8 262 days ago
        Why not read the article?

        “Kevin Shang, senior research analyst at Wood Mackenzie, a data and analytics firm, said that “unfavorable mechanical properties,” as well as the difficulty and cost of mass production, are challenges for moving the application of solid-state oxide-based batteries into smartphones.”

        “The group plans to start shipping samples of its new battery prototype to clients from next year and hopes to be able to move into mass production after that.”

        So they don’t know yet if they’ll be able to pull off mass production, and it’ll be at least a couple years off.

    • bawolff 262 days ago
      Its mostly just people getting too excited (including PR departments).

      Breakthroughs like these are an important step. They are not nothing but they are not the end of the journey either.

    • adtac 262 days ago
      virtually every battery technology in existence today got created in a non-production environment

      a less blunt critique would've specifically identified why this breakthrough is similar to the last one that didn't make it past the lab

      surely there's a large enough sample set of past failures to choose from since there are claims like this every week

  • shermantanktop 262 days ago
    Release the HN battery naysayers in 3…2…1…

    For good reason, I think.

    I imagine the plight of a poor tech reporter. The upside of real advances in battery tech are huge, so a scoop would get a lot of clicks. But in the absence of step-change inventions, we have incremental improvements in boring areas like “recharge cycles” which make terrible news articles. So our intrepid tech reporter must ignore all that real but unsexy stuff.

    There is a source of zingy articles though: pr releases about unproven tech which are likely meant to pump up investment activity.

    • vikramkr 262 days ago
      They're saying an energy density of 1000 wh/l, not saying per kg in the headline. Looking it up, the 1000 wh/l seems to be a bit above what a bunch of random internet sources say lithium batteries do on average (300-700 wh/l). So, might be a step change in solid state (compared to their old version) but not sure how it stacks up in the bigger scheme of things. They aren't promising world changing impacts either, just better batteries for wearables and stuff. Will be interesting to see how they commercialize it for sure.
  • macintux 262 days ago
  • alphabetting 263 days ago
  • chrisbrandow 262 days ago
    This is very cool. Being able to produce commercial solid state batteries of any macroscopic size at commercial scale gives me hope that this tech will not remain vaporware. Even just increasing size a few percent per year would be transformative in a decade or two.
    • chrisbrandow 262 days ago
      That being said, I’m looking forward to reading more thorough analysis, as I lack the expertise to evaluate how significant this is, given that it’s a press release.
  • csours 262 days ago
    > I will believe in Solid State batteries when iPhones come with them.

  • ExoticPearTree 262 days ago
    I really wish any of these companies creating super batteries that have a lot of capacity to actually market them.

    A laptop/phone that needs to be recharged every few weeks… heaven.

    • everdrive 262 days ago
      This is one of the reasons why I'm not very optimistic for environmentalism. People's needs and wants are sort of like gasses: they expand to fill the space they're in. More efficient engines in cars often just mean they're a tiny bit more efficient and significantly faster than they actually need to be. (rather than significantly more efficient and relatively slow) Modern computers are incredibly fast, but we just keep making webpages heavier, and operating systems heavier. So although many modern computers are quite efficient when considering speed to power consumption, they could use significantly less power, except for the fact that people are always chasing the next thing.

      We eat up our new efficiencies the moment we invent them.

      • longitudinal93 262 days ago
      • chabons 262 days ago
        In general I agree, for instance an Apple Watch crams in so much hardware, that the battery frequently lasts less than a day. Compare that to my Garmin 245, which often lasts 2 weeks on a single charge if it's not using the GPS. It doesn't do as much, but that's fine. I'd love to see more "quiet" tech which eschews the pattern you describe above, and just focusses on doing the thing it's supposed to well so you don't have to think about it. EInk is another promising technology in this area.
      • bilsbie 262 days ago
        Sounds like a false dichotomy. There’s no reason we can’t have technology and luxury and a great environment.
        • darby_nine 262 days ago
          Sadly, those who produce the technology (ie many on this forum) will happily sacrifice the environment to retain the power dynamic.
        • everdrive 262 days ago
          There is a reason: human nature. We could have both in principle, but time and time again we just expand until we are unable to continue. (and then until a technological breakthrough takes things further) It feels a lot like the obesity problem; the solution in principle is fairly simple, (people just need to eat less) but in practice this isn't something that's very easy for people to do. The bulk of people are unsuccessful here.
          • vikramkr 262 days ago
            We don't really do that though, population growth is leveling off on its own. Industrial revolution pretty much broke the malthusian trap. Now growth of economies fuels growth in GDP per capita instead of growth of capita. We've also made a few rather significant technological breakthroughs against the obesity problem recently. Human nature's proven to be a bit more complex than that.
            • everdrive 262 days ago
              I'll concede your argument once we stop building GPU farms just so I can ask google a semantic question.
          • r00fus 262 days ago
            What is required is a worldview that isn't based on conspicuous consumption, but balanced growth. Left as an exercise for the reader if human nature can be compatible with this worldview.
        • vikramkr 262 days ago
          Honestly kinda surprised how quick people are with the old malthusian trap arguments - weird how they still hold that much sway when it hasn't really panned out.
          • api 262 days ago
            We evolved in an environment of conflict and scarcity. Our brains don't know how to handle the idea that we are no longer subject to those kinds of constraints.

            Of course it's also possible that being perpetually on guard for limits and risks is part of how we avoid them. The catastrophes don't happen because people thought they would and took actions such as investing in next generation energy R&D to try to avoid them.

            It's probably some of both.

      • agumonkey 262 days ago
        I wonder if there's no way to implement some control mechanism in culture. A human group staying stable for a few years by rule, and allow itself some changes, capped at some % of the system.
        • vikramkr 262 days ago
          Without any control mechanisms, human population growth is already leveling out globally (correlated with increased material prosperity and opportunity basically). So, there's not really a case for needing a mechanism like that.
      • Euphorbium 262 days ago
        Eventually you will need an antimatter reactor to display a text website and run a messaging app slower than 40 years ago.
    • Youden 262 days ago
      This isn't nearly ready for phones or laptops. Its nominal characteristics are 1.5V, 100µAh capacity, 20µA discharge:

      They market it for use-cases like RTC backup batteries and solar powered BLE beacons.

    • asoneth 262 days ago
      > A laptop/phone that needs to be recharged every few weeks… heaven.

      Agreed. Unfortunately it seems like increases in battery density are soaked up by either increased energy consumption (screen resolution/brightness, processor) or decreased battery volume to make a thinner device.

      I have a smartwatch that doesn't require wall charging (a Garmin Instinct with solar) and I really like the combination of solar cells, low-power processor, monochrome screen, and frugal radios.

      That got me curious about a low-powered laptop and I've been eyeing an e-ink tablet with keyboard (e.g. Boox Tab or Remarkable 2) but I think it'd be a little too limited for my laptop usecases. And all the super-energy-efficient phones (e.g. e-ink) I've seen simply shrink the battery volume to offset any efficiency gains.

    • moffkalast 262 days ago
      > that needs to be recharged every few weeks

      "Yeah you're not getting that, you'll just get a smaller battery that'll give you the same 6 hours and you're gonna like it."

      - every laptop manufacturer ever

      • nasmorn 262 days ago
        Laptop battery size has historically been limited in high performance machines by the FAA with 100Wh. I guess you could build a MacBook Air type device with insane battery life nowadays though.
        • moffkalast 262 days ago
          Does the rest of the world have similar rules or is this a case of manufacturers aiming for the largest possible compatible market, as a sort of Brussels Effect but in a shitty least common denominator way?
          • nasmorn 261 days ago
            There is an global IATA regulation with the same limit I don’t know which was first
      • ExoticPearTree 262 days ago
        I wonder what the economic reason for that would be, assuming that such a battery exists.
      • miahi 262 days ago
        "But look how thin it is!"
        • moffkalast 262 days ago
          "So think I think I can actually bend i- oh shit."
  • sojuz151 262 days ago
    This will have same energy density as TNT. I have a feelings that fully chargred battery of this type might explode
    • audunw 262 days ago
      If you take into account fusion then the energy density of water is insanely high. Doesn’t mean you need to worry about it.

      It’s a myth that energy density is a reason to worry about batteries or any other form of energy storage. How much energy is stored doesn’t say anything about how easy it is to release that energy in an uncontrolled way.

      For Li-ion batteries it’s not really the electric energy stored you need to worry about at all. It’s the flammable electrolyte.

      Solid state batteries are often very safe since they usually don’t have a flammable electrolyte. And when the electrolyte doesn’t burn it’s much harder to get a short and thermal runaway as well

    • malfist 262 days ago
      How do you feel about gasoline?
  • m463 262 days ago
    This says 1000 Wh/L

    The new tesla 4680 cells seem to be in the ballpark:

    Cell volumetric energy density = 622 to 650 Wh/litre

  • EncomLab 262 days ago
    That hand that rocks the better battery is the hand that will rule the world...
  • ChrisGranger 262 days ago
    I wonder if this scales up, to batteries much larger than a coin cell replacement.
    • iszomer 262 days ago
      I would be content if this became a drop-in replacement for the cmos/bios battery or an enhanced suspension/hibernation feature.
    • alt227 262 days ago
      They specifically say in the article that it cannot be scaled up.
      • ChrisGranger 262 days ago
        When I commented, the URL was a link to the press release. It was changed to the Ars Technica article later.

        Good to know.

  • bredren 262 days ago
    Airpods. This is relevant to Airpods and Apple Watch.

    Making these devices work charged for weeks, and a charging case for Airpods that can keep them charged for months (years?) would be extraordinary.

    • nixass 262 days ago
      God forbid we call product by its name (earbuds and smart watch) and not its marketing name
      • dstanko 262 days ago
        >AirGod AirForbid we AirCall AirProduct(s) by AirTheir AirNames (AirEarbuds and AirSmart AirWatch) and not its AirMarketing AirName
      • bredren 262 days ago
        Apple defined the product category.

        The subtitle includes “Apple supplier” as does first paragraph.

  • not_good_coder 262 days ago
    Enovix is putting next gen batteries into production. They've been through FAT and SAT... so you know it's real. I'm also an investor, but like the tech.
  • k__ 262 days ago
    Don't know if I want so much energy right beside my ear, but it certainly sounds like an amazing achievement.
    • gpm 262 days ago
      I'd rather have the energy beside my ear stored in a non-flammable battery compared to what I assume are currently flammable batteries in my earbuds. Also lasting twice as long between charges would be a nice bonus.
      • ajb 262 days ago
        Solid state battery rules out some flammability failure modes, but introduces one: dendrite growth, creating a short. They need to prove that they've eliminated that before we can call it safe.
  • akasakahakada 262 days ago
    If this thing can put into mass production, what is the excuse to not generate electricity only by solar panels?
    • _joel 262 days ago
      The sun doesn't always shine.
  • andrewstuart 262 days ago
    If there was a quantum leap in batteries it would revolutionize the world.
  • 1970-01-01 262 days ago
    We need a counter showing X days since last battery breakthrough announcement. A single digit counter is enough.
  • ck2 262 days ago
  • unixhero 262 days ago
    Wait... TDK still exists???

    Edit: Holy shit yes they are

    • akasakahakada 261 days ago
      Not in consumer electronics, but pretty much became the largest electronic component manufacturer in the world.
      • unixhero 261 days ago
        Insane ... Their CD-Rs were the best! We used to buy them by the crate. I liked their floppies too, although Verbatim were probably the best there
  • readthenotes1 254 days ago
    Another Better Battery Bulletin. Good fiction the first dozen times.