Fault Injection – Down the Rabbit Hole


63 points | by voxadam 101 days ago


  • mdaniel 100 days ago
    I'm guessing this was posted due to "An analysis of the Keycloak authentication system" <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42136000> getting some traction earlier; and I agree, most of their blog posts are awesome
  • graycat 100 days ago
    Read some dozens of words of the article and see that the subject is "fault injection" ON A CHIP!!!

    Good clarification for me since just now have some new code (on Windows in IBM's interpretive, scripting language Rexx) for detecting rare faults and want to test the code by creating, say, "injecting", faults! Soooo, now don't have to spend time on the article since apparently it does not apply to my current work!

    Point: In general would like, e.g., more informative article titles and, earlier in the article, more clearity on the what the article is about. Related, would like more definitions of acronyms, e.g., MSM for "mainstream media". A point: Sometimes writers are narrowly focused on their subject, assume too much such "focus" for their likely audience, and early on might explain their subject more clearly! E.g., Hacker News is about hardware, say, "chips", yes, but also about software! Ah, right, as in general, not everyone will agree with the concern and point here!

    • Retr0id 100 days ago
      Consider that you may just not be the intended audience.