Show HN: Pretty-print your chess games using Prettier


103 points | by gmasclet 66 days ago


  • shamp00 60 days ago
    You might like my Chrome extension.

    It pretty-prints a PDF directly from lichess.

  • galleywest200 66 days ago
    I was actually thinking of developing something similar to make it easier to copy my chess game review comments into my Obsidian notes.

    Thank you!

    • gmasclet 66 days ago
      You're welcome!

      By the way, something I've considered but not implemented yet are options to tweak the formatting (for instance, whether to indent or inline comments / variations). The Prettier approach is to be opinionated, but some language-specific options may be useful.

  • cxcorp 66 days ago
    I've always wanted to look into writing my own Prettier plugins, how'd you feel about getting started working with their little mini DSL (fill, join, hardline, line, etc.)?
    • gmasclet 65 days ago
      The DSL itself is pretty nice. However, one thing I found annoying is that the printing function itself is hard to unit test: there is no easy way to instantiate its parameters (in particular the `ASTPath` class). So I relied on testing it by calling `Prettier.format()`, which is more a end-to-end test of the whole plugin. Maybe I'll figure out another solution at some point.
  • tacone 66 days ago
    What about using a fenced code block?
  • toolslive 66 days ago
    PGN is just a format to communicate the games. So pgn pretty-printing is at the same level as pretty printing json. Nothing wrong with that, but at some point you might want to publish a game with diagrams variations, ....

    For that purpose, you can use Latex (yes, I know, not everybody's cup of tea)

    • andix 66 days ago
      This looks a bit cumbersome to write to me.

      I really like the JS preview/rendering plugins for fenced code blocks in Markdown. For example Mermaid, which is supported by many Markdown renderers or IDEs. [1]

      It would be fun to have something like this for chess notation, that interactively renders the last position with forward and back buttons.

      Static PDFs are mostly a thing of the past.


    • gmasclet 66 days ago
      Thanks for the idea, I'd not considered it. LaTex may have some use, I'll take a look. Indeed, probably the best solution to publish a game with diagrams.

      For personal notes, I would also consider embedding PGN into Markdown. Sadly, PGN rendering in Markdown isn't supported yet, as far as I know (something like Mermaid would be awesome).